Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Life in addition to the thesis

I expected this, but that doesn't make the fact any easier. Trying to stay on top of my thesis, my final class in grad school, the 10 lessons I teach throughout the week, grant writing for a nonprofit near my house, and wedding planning is not easy. Not to mention trying to take care of myself and be present to my relationships too. And maybe it is just the pressures of wedding planning and what it is "supposed" to look like, but I also feel kind of abandoned by a lot of my friends. I mean, a girl is supposed to get help from her mother, sisters, and best friends in planning her wedding, right? But my mother, sisters, and best friends are all living in other states and though all are eager to help me in anyway they can, the distance makes that really hard. I've only live up here for 3 years and don't really have a group of people I can call my best friends like I had in college or in high school. I guess it's harder once you are living life and away from forced situations of community like college living. But it means that there will probably be no bridal shower and maybe not even a bachelorette party, which always seemed to me to be really fun traditions. Realizing that makes me even happier we are doing the camp wedding thing, though, because it means I will have time with my friends beforehand to catch up and enjoy them rather than just seeing them for a hot second at the reception. Oh weddings.

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