Saturday, January 19, 2013

The next four months of crazy

From the day I started my Master's program at Eastern University, I began hearing the phrase "Life is like that" constantly. The phrase is used by one of my professors most often to describe the concept of metaphor. "Art is metaphor for life," she would say. This is becoming an even deeper truth for me as I enter into my final semester of grad school and begin an unpredictable, yet exciting thesis project. In these next four months, I will not only be completing my class requirement for graduation, but planning my wedding and completing my thesis. I also teach about 7-8 Musical Theatre classes in my "spare time." This blog will be the place where I record my notes, thoughts, research findings, doubts, stresses, and anything else related to my thesis in order to supplement my final paper. Online blogging makes the copy/paste function easier.

My thesis involves engaging 6-8 young people between the ages of 18 and 30 to write a play about Camden, NJ and what it was like to grow up there. We will all be blogging together in a private group about the culture of Camden and their experience growing up in the city. I want their creativity to flow without my opinions, questions, and grapplings with my life, worldview, and thoughts on their lives, worldview, and thoughts. I don't want them to be able to read this blog until the project is finished so it will likely be private until all of that is over and then I might make it available to public viewing. In order to ensure their confidentiality, the names of any identifying people or places will be changed if I write about it here. That way, if this ever does become public, their personal information will remain private. So now that the blog introduction and background information part is over with, welcome to the next four months of crazy.

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