Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Facebook

Facebook is an interesting and useful form of communication, even though I definitely have my discrepancies with it. Sometimes I hate how you can essentially know what is going on in so many people's lives without ever having to actually talk to them. However, at a time when almost everyone has a Facebook and checks it at least once daily if not many more times, it has been a very valuable way for me to communicate with the participants of my thesis regularly. I can send quick messages to the whole group reminding them to update on the blog and while not everyone is updating every day at the moment, I have at least 2-3 of them updating most of the time. And all of their updates are great and even this early on, are giving me new insights. Not only is Facebook an useful method of mass communication, but with people updating their statuses and adding photos so often, it also gives me another look into their daily lives that the blog does not, which I think might also play a part of my research. All of the normal youth drama, the ever-evolving relationships, the crazy pictures with friends or of themselves in the mirror with their phone, the attempts at witty status updates about nothing in particular, the passive aggressive updates when they are annoyed or frustrated, and the truly insightful responses to their world and experiences. 

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