Sunday, February 3, 2013

There is something seriously wrong when we can just ignore shit like this

This article makes me literally dizzy and ill. It just reaffirms for me how easy it is for us, in our American privilege, to completely turn a blind eye to things like this. Human trafficking and sex slavery exists in our own country and if we think that ignoring it will make it go away, we are in for a rude awakening. Cities like Camden that, in some parts look like they belong in a "3rd World" country and the best we, as a society, can come up with is increasing tourism or state take-overs of the police force. We can fool ourselves into thinking that these problems exist outside of us and the most we need to be concern with is how much we pay in taxes, but one day they are really going to bite us in the ass.

Super Bowl Sex Trafficking: 

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