Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Denver, Thesis Mentors, and Dressmakers

I just got back from an amazing trip in Denver. My thesis mentor lives out there along with his partner who is making my wedding dress. Here is a photo of the dress so far:

I knew I was right in trusting Dave with this task. I LOVE it and it isn't even finished. 

In addition to being my dressmaker and thesis mentor, they are also really good friends so they took me to eat loads of great food and do lots of fun things like snow tubing: 

The visit was amazing and I'm pretty convinced now that Denver will be our next home. If a Florida girl can enjoy Colorado even in the wintertime, I feel pretty confident that I'll enjoy it in every season. 

Denver also got a major blizzard while I was there and we had 9 inches of snow! My flight on Sunday was cancelled and I missed the first day of residency...oops. 

Tim and I were able to have a nice talk about my thesis that went on for a few hours. He convinced me that I need to push the participants further. A lot of the time, I get a sense that they are very apathetic about stuff in Camden, the kind of attitude that says, "If it isn't happening to me, then it doesn't really matter." That's the kind of attitude I'm trying to challenge, because I really believe that it is part of the problem. If Camden people don't work together to mend the brokenness of the city, blaming the outsiders and other people in the city for their bad choices, and the outsiders continue to just place blame on everyone, then nothing will change. Sometimes it feels like both sides are so convinced they are right that not only are they not willing to listen to the other side, they aren't even willing to talk to them openly and honestly about their own perspectives. The relationship between Camden insiders and outsiders is so dysfunctional, even if they can appreciate each other on some level, because neither truly trusts the other. 

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