Thursday, February 21, 2013


I've been a slight slacker on updating this blog, however, I've been pretty good about keeping up with the group blog. So far, 3 of the youth are really consistent, one is mostly consistent, and one is a little evasive. Regardless, I'm still really loving and excited about this project. The participants have amazing insights and experiences to contribute and are very responsive to my questions and prodding. So far, we've had two meetings. We've met at my house both times because I feel like it is a safe space for all of us and makes me seem a little more human to them. I think because my apartment is not within Camden and it is a private place, they feel confident that what they share will remain confidential and they feel secure. That has been really important for me in setting up the methodology for how I work with the participants, I need them to feel safe and comfortable.

We have discussed a lot about their lives and experiences and about Camden. They love their city, but they are not blind to all of the problems within it. By the same token, they also see what is beautiful and right within the city. Things like a community that looks out for one another, long-term friendships, beautification projects like art installations, murals, and community gardens, and the nonprofits that are actually doing good without causing more harm to the city. At the first meeting, we spent more time talking about their lives and experiences. At the second meeting, we talked more about the play, who we want our audience to be, what we need them to know, and how we are going to present our story. We have two pretty great ideas and now we have to narrow it down and decide which direction we are going to go.

I've been continually asking for feedback from them about the process too. So far, they are all excited, comfortable, and are enjoying the process and the opportunity to speak their minds without fear. As well as asking personal questions, I've also been posting articles about Camden for them to respond to. This hasn't elicited as many responses as I expected, but from what they've been saying to me, they are reading the articles and interested in them even if they aren't putting their responses in writing. It is amazing to me that as much as they are in tune with the city and what is happening because of their connections and relationships, they are mostly unaware of the what the media and newspapers are putting out there. It highlights the difference between myself (an outsider) and them (the insiders). I get all of my information from the articles I read about Camden, whereas they get their information from actually living there and being truly connected into the city. It makes me feel a combination of jealousy, humility, and pride in them. Jealousy, because I wish I had that kind of connection and relational strength with the people in Camden. Humility, because it makes me realize just how limited I am. Pride in them, because I realize just how much potential they have to truly make a difference for the city. I think that if they keep themselves more informed via the media and news articles and combine that with their strong connections in the city, they can really be movers and shakers. It just affirms for me again how necessary it is for transformation to come from within and not from without. These young people really do give me hope and I just hope that I am able to use my resources and talent to empower them to see their potential. It is not my job to transform the city, it is my job to empower these amazing young people to see their own power and potential to be the change they wish to see there.

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