Friday, March 15, 2013

Character Backstories

I had the participants create some character backstories for the play. I encouraged them to choose one of the negative comments made about Camden and write the backstory for the person who said that. This is some of what they wrote on the blog. I'm not sure how much of it we will end up using ultimately, but I'm glad they are finding ways to think about where these perspectives come from. I think both of them based their characters off of personal encounters with outsiders.


"Well my person name is Nancy born and, raised in Moorsetown, NJ she grew up believeing Camden was a bad place due to her parents. With that also came racism and, bitterness towards the city. She looked down on people who had to do with anything involving Camden. Her parents always reminded her that "we are better than them". So as Nancy grew that saying stuck with her as an adult. She had even more of a hatred for the city as she grew. If avoiding had a face it would be her she found any types of new road ways to take so that Camden wouldn't cross her path. Nancy never once entered the city got to know the city nor experienced some of the good that it holds, all because of her being raised to hate it. So she was often considered one sided by those who weren't as bothered as she was with Camden. So her comment she posted extends from a long lifehood of ignorance."

Jake "Moose" Rosenburg

Jake is 17yrs old and is from Santa Cruz, California. Which is also known as Surf City. Moose is a currently attending Santa Cruz High school where he is a junior. He has a small group of friends who he has become very close to over the years. He and his friends all surf. He and his friend Terry "T" Johnson are the best surfers in the group and are always competing for the top spot. Whether it's just for fun or in competitions. His friend John "Wheels" Flatts is the best when it comes to riding anything with wheels hence his nickname. Alex "Brain" Peters is the smart one of the group. Then theirs William "will/Pyro" Roberson who likes to start beach fires. His obsession with fire sometimes scares the other guys but, he never takes it to far. Next is Bruce "Black" Jordan he's considered the cool one of the bunch and no one really knows why he likes to be called black but, it seems to fit. Last is Jake "Moose" Rosenberg He got his nickname when he found and purchased a mounted moose head in a yard sale and brought it with him to a competition.

Moose is an B+ student in school although he is constantly scolded by teachers for day dreaming. His favorite classes are art and Philosophy. His friends all do well in class and share his same distaste for school except for Brain of course. He doesn't know if college is in his future but, what he does know is that he want to try and become a professional surfer. His parents don't like agree with his ideals and want him to at least consider a second option. His father wants him to follow in his footsteps and become a Lawyer and his mother just wants him to have something to fall back on. His mother thinks/knows his surfer career is nothing more than fantasy and wants his to take his future more seriously.

Moose's parents are very into giving back and helping those in need although they very on there approaches. They have both agreed to move into the city of Camden, New Jersey to help out residents in any way they feel that they can. They also think that it'll be a good learning experience for Moose and hope it will make him take his future more seriously.

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