Thursday, March 28, 2013

It has been over a month since I posted here. Fail. I've been much better on the other blog I have going with the participants, but still, blogging is a lot harder than I thought and a lot more time consuming when one is keeping up with another blog, planning a wedding, teaching classes, researching, writing for other classes, and planning out the thesis in general.

I've been having a harder time lately, though have received much needed encouragement from both my mentor and my advisor. "Just write," they said. So I've been trying. I've been attempting to write a monologue about my experience but that is so much harder to do than even I thought! How do I sum up everything I've been thinking and feeling in just a page or so of writing? How to I really get across to my audience, the people of Camden, that I really do care but I just don't know how to do that well? How do I write about all I have learned in this process? No matter how I write it, I just can't seem to find the right words.

EDIT: I went back and wrote a bunch more blogs after this entry. Some are things that I had posted on the group blog with the participants but wanted to get a chance to write my own opinions. Go me for being productive today! Maybe this blog will actually be useful for my thesis...if I ever get to writing it.

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