Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thesis Mentor

I have the best thesis mentor ever. I know that one of the "rules" was that I was not allowed to choose a friend, but what are rules there for except to be broken? Tim is so much more than a friend, though. He's worn many hats in the 8 years that we've known each other. He's been a mentor, boss, voice teacher, director, and friend and there is no one in the world I trust to be more honest with me about my work. Not only that, he knows how to do that in such a way that I do not feel like a horrible person afterward, but someone who is on a journey and learning.

I've been feeling really discouraged about my thesis and this whole play idea lately and if it hadn't been for his care, support, and advice, I would be quickly sinking into a deep, dark hole of despair in which, despite two years of hard work, I never graduate with my Master's. Luckily, that isn't going to happen thanks to Tim.

With less than two weeks left until the first draft of my thesis is due, the full play idea just isn't going to fly. But instead of allowing me to feel like a total failure, Tim helped me come up with a few ideas of how I can write about what I've learned and still have a valuable artistic and theatrical element to my thesis. All in all, hope is returning, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and I think I might actually be able to do this.

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