Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Say Something Nice About Camden

“Camden – it’s easy to spell.”

“It’s nice not to live in Camden.”

“It looks good in the rear-view mirror.”

All of the comments above and below were written by people who live outside of Camden in the comments section of various news articles about the city. They have called Camden a “cesspool,” a “black hole,” “the deadliest city,” “corrupt,” “poor,” “a waste of state money and resources,” “crime-ridden.” Read, feel, respond and don't hold anything back, because they won't either. You want people to care? Make them. 

“Camden does not care about preventing any murders. My daughter was attacked by a fellow student after school in mid October this year. The girl grabbed my daughter by the throat and threw her into a tree, threatening to disfigure her face so she could not get any modeling jobs. Threatening her that she will kill her if she tells anyone. To this day this student continues to harass, threaten and intimidate my daughter. When I finally got my daughter to tell me what happened, because she was not going to tell me that I had to drag it out of her. She was not herself, she seemed dazed, and scared. She has several medical disorders and was complaining of head, neck, and back pain so I took her to the ER, I asked them to call the police, they said they had no one to send to take my complaint to go to the station after we left the ER. Well by then it was after 1am and all my daughter wanted was to lay down. I went to the police several times and they refused to take my complaint stating “they are just kids these things happens” I know kids push and shove along with name calling. But the moment that girl put her hands around my daughter’s neck it crossed the line to assault. I went to the school, the student is a known bully, she was on the video the day this happened pushing my daughter into a locker and then went on to push a couple more kids into lockers and a teacher had to break up a fight. The school has also done nothing to protect my daughter. She is afraid to go outside by hearself, the student keeps telling everyone she is not done with my daughter. She now comes to our neighbors house and yells into my daughter’s window that she is a whore and a bitch, and that she can not wait to get her alone. So for New Jersey to have this so-called severe anti-bullying law is a joke. They removed my daughter from school because they refused to accept her doctor’s notes. Not they are saying my daughter started all this. I refuse to send my daughter back to that school is a joke in October I request work for my daughter to make up while she was out for my mother’s passing and some medical problems. They never notified her teachers. Apparently the law needs some work or the state needs to enforce this law because I am not getting any help. I REFUSE TO ALLOW MY DAUGHTER TO BECOME A STATISTIC OF THIS CITY BECAUSE NO ONE WOULD HELP.”

“Once again I am tired of these community leaders, ministers and corrupt politicians always organizing and protesting. Its 50 years later and the direction has not changed maybe they should try something different…Another thing they have no sking in the game either its all about the handout, my view is if the citizens in the down don’t pick another path. I am sorry but we will have to let that city along with the others die on the vine and rebuild. Its is very close to that option and we can no longer expect hard working families who arm barely making ends meet pay the tab.”

“So, the people of Camden protest but what do they do about the problem themselves? Seems they always want others to solve the problems. The city is funded mostly by the taxes of people from other towns in NJ. The violence is occurring inside the city from it’s own residents. When the police try to get tough people claim police brutality. How about the concerned citizens get together and force the criminals out? How about they line the streets and drug selling area and make it impossible to conduct business? Why is it always up to others to solve the problems that the people of Camden caused themselves? Because they let it get out of hand the rest of the state now has to step in and fix it? Who is going to pay for that?”

“Instead of standing around protesting and asking for help, the residents would do a lot more good by inviting the Guardian Angels in to train them on how to clean out the scum from their neighborhoods”

Trueaccount: “I can remember when Camden was a flourishing city with good neighbors, decent schools, and a solid industrial base that supported plenty of jobs. What happened?

“Trueaccount is sarcastic. We are afraid of reality, problems, and real solutions. One side keeps people in the cities of rot by design and the other is blind and afraid to hurt feelings and will pander. So in reality nothing will change.”

“Short of Martial Law, what can be done to help all the poor law abiding slobs who work every day to try to squeek out a living and have to call this place home..”

Comment Exchange:

Person 1: “Add a few Caucasian folks: arm them well, etc.”

Person 2: “They [‘Caucasion folks’] are already here, buying drugs, soliciting prostitution, and adding to the problem. As usual, racism and ignorance go hand in hand.

Person 3: “Yeah, all whitey’s fault. The only time this honkie goes to the ghetto is for jury duty (to report to the deadliest city in the country no less), and then I get the hell outta there.

Person 4: Well said, Person 2. Sad how Person 3 rushing to defend Person 1 racists comments misread the facts.

“You could put 10,000 cops in that city it won’t help. Mayor Redd get those guns working on the USS New Jersey point them at the city and open fire!!!!!!”

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