Friday, March 29, 2013

More Positive Comments from Outsiders about Camden

  • The residents deserved better government than the blood suckers that have run Camden for years.
  • Camden needs a leadership that cares about the city and its citizens, not what would benefit themselves and their friends!
  • The hypocrites in Camden do nothing for the citizens, they only perpetuate their own rule to benefit themselves, citizens are just a peripheral issue! 
  • 40 more years of these people and nothing will be better for the citizens!
  • There will be just a "safe conclave" near the waterfront for the specific beneficiaries!
  • I live on the edges of a poor neighborhood in Philly. It’s what me and my wide can afford, despite earning a good but above the median income. Taking public transport every day, and living close to these people who “just sit on their asses and do nothing all day,” I can tell you that it is sometimes true, but not always. I see people from these neighborhoods on the bus going to and from work. I see them working in stores around me. You people really don’t know what you’re talking about. If you want to know why poor areas tend to be black, just go back 50-100 years. They were forced to be poor! Poverty is not easy to break out of. If you grow up poor you are more likely to grow up with bad role models and with bad habits. It’s all well and good to say that “you have to be the change”, but it is NOT that easy. And, year upon year, more and more people are falling into poverty, which makes the competition to ‘get out’ of it harder and harder. Once the middle class disappears (which is slowly happening), expect the s#%t to really hit the fan. Poverty is the problem, not colour.
  • When there are no longer enough middle class consumers to support all these service jobs that the working poor are expected to live off of, Camden will be America.
  • “To be honest it can’t be fixed, it is what it is, people there will not change its their way of life, I say leave them to their own choosing. Next case.”  
              I wonder what you would have done if you lived in a city with 40% unemployment, where all the jobs have disappeared. A city without some income producing activity to sustain it, be it manufacturing, trade or banking, is just a desert. It is easy to say leave, but without money or skills, where do you go?
  • Amazing that this city is just 1 hour and a few minutes from Wall Street, the Financial Center of the world.
Wall Street Set For Best Two Years Ever, Thanks To Bailout Huff Post Business
Two agonizing years for the U.S. economy have been some of the best years on record for Wall Street.
After first receiving billions in taxpayer aid, and now ultracheap funding from the Federal Reserve, Wall Street banks are on track to wrap up two of their best years ever.
According to an October estimate, Wall Street firms are set to pay out $144 billion in bonuses this year, to break a record for the second year in a row. 
         Sorry, I need to throw up…..
  • This is very saddening. Crime does not recognize justice, however a seemingly impossible question for Camden asks citizens to lower the level of crime. Traditionally economic suppression is followed by low education, poverty, poor health, high crime, and discouragement for businesses. Until area economics increase substantially, Camden will suffer. Socially collective in belief and commitment, the citizen's of Camden may want to belong to a social network that counters the negative conditioning that accompanies economic suppression.
  • Maybe after the battle ends (hopefully soon) in Israel, Anderson Cooper can bring his camera crew and report from the war zone in Camden, NJ. We found the money to fund the iron dome to help protect the Israelis from their enemies ($800 million) maybe we can find some to protect poor American families with children living in shockingly dangerous conditions where there seems to be no end to the bloodshed. Or don't our own children count?
  • you are so right, sue! we are spending billions in afghanistan building roads and other infrastructure, schools, hospitals etc...maybe when our military is finished there they can invade camden and build roads and infrastructure, schools, hospitals, etc.
  • Yes! And maybe take some of the money spent in the Middle East and invest instead in Camden NJ. Reward industries for opening and hiring in that area.
  • Camden is not a cesspool. There are good hard working people that live here. People who just want to raise their kids or live out their retirement years in peace. The real issue in Camden; and the other cities you mentioned, is poverty. Also, the breakdown of the family, culture and society are other factors. Don't be so quick to judge Camden and write off an entire City as worthless. Did you ever stop to think that much of the drug selling in Camden is paid for by those coming into the City to BUY the drugs. Who are these customers? Could they be your friends, your neighbors, family members or even your own children. Camden has suffered from years of corrupt elected officials ripping off the money that was to go to help the City create jobs and other needed services, such as public safety. Unfortunately, this METRO Police Plan is just another example by corrupt Camden County Freeholders to take 60 million dollars out of the City and use it to award contracts to their cronies and steal more millions from the taxpayers. Taxpayer funds are drying up and so these corrupt elected officials are looking for new pots of money to control and rip off. Tony, your list of US Cities does have one thing in common; corrupt local government run by powerful political bosses. But beware Tony, this corruption and tyranny is spreading and the disasterous METRO Police Plan may come to a City near you!!
  • Those added costs to cities means affording fewer cops on the streets, which in turn increases the risk. A vicious cycle. For Camden, as a city, it has few choices left. What they have now is not working, just getting worse. Maybe the new plan will work, maybe not. But at this point, it deserves a shot, as Camden’s residents deserve not to be shot.
  • Sad to say but it is what it is. As long as there are drugs, there will be violence! Therefore, it will not end because the government will never stop the drug game. It employs too many people - judges, lawyers, cops, prisons and rehab centers. So tell me if it's going to stop, I don't think so.
  • When I hear the word Camden, I cringe. I fear the worst when I ride into that city because it is obvious the criminals don't care why I am there just that I may not belong. The city itself has some great people living there. But, overall, I do not have any desire to go into a city where my family has lost a beautiful young soul and, to this day, it hasn't been resolved.
  • I pray one day that Camden can flourish and become just a statistic of a "bad city" once upon a time.
  • No, the violence won't stop me from going into Camden. Between school and doctor appointments I am there daily during the week. I take my kids to the aquarium, my son's neurologist is at Cooper and my classes are there. Why should I let what others do dictate my life?
  • I do pray for Camden and I do hope for change. But no comment we make on here will change anything. Only ACTION brings change.
  • The primary cause of Camden’s problem, if people listened to the videos, is that the poor population kept getting poorer and growing in size while the wealthy kept getting wealthier. This is the same scenario as the whole nation is beginning to experience. We could use this as a good Blue Print of what America in general will be from sea to shining sea if thing are not done to protect ALL AMERICANS not just the Wealthy. 

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